Water Saving Showerheads Buyer's Guide

Water Saving Shower heads

Making use of water saving shower heads is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and save money at the same time. Though this might seem like an extremely simple purchase, you will notice that our stock includes more than 20 different types of low flow shower heads. What distinguishes them from one another and why are some so much cheaper than others?
This buying guide explains some of the benefits of a water saving shower head as well as how to choose one that suits your needs, perfectly. Let’s take a look…

Benefits of a low flow shower head:

There are two main benefits when installing water saving shower heads:

1. Financial benefits

In an average household in South Africa, water heating is the greatest expense when it comes to energy costs. Obviously, the more hot water you use, the more electricity you use and the greater your monthly bill will be. By installing water saving shower heads and tap connections, you can significantly reduce the amount of hot water you use each month and thereby reduce your electricity bill. Statistics show that if you replace your regular 7 minute power shower with a 7 minute shower using a low flow shower head, you can save as much as 35 litres of water per shower.

2. Environmental benefits

You will also be doing your part for the environment by decreasing the amount of water you use on a daily basis, something that is of utmost importance in South Africa where water shortage is a very real issue.
For a summary of the financial and environmental benefits of installing a water saving shower head, see the table below:

7 minute shower with Regular Shower Head 7 minute shower with Low Flow Shower Head
70 litres / shower 35 litres / shower
76000 litres  / year 38000 litres  / year
If an average household has 3 showers per day, this works out to a saving of R680 / year on your electricity bill and R570 / year on your water bill

Does your home already have a water saving shower head fitted?

Many newer homes in South Africa are already  fitted with water saving shower heads. A quick  test to check whether or not you are  saving water is to simply hold a large 2 litre jug underneath the shower head and turn the shower on to full power. Time how long it takes for the jug to fill up completely.
If it takes longer than 11 seconds, then you already have an energy efficient system installed. Anything less than 11 seconds to fill a 2 litre jug indicates that your shower is expelling too much water per minute and you could easily reduce this by installing an appropriate low flow shower head.

Types of Water Saving Shower Heads:

There are two main types of energy efficient shower heads:

- Aerated shower heads: these types of shower heads are designed to inject air into the water, thereby reducing the amount of water that you use per shower and resulting in an almost misty sort of shower.
- Laminar flow shower heads: Laminar shower heads form individual streams of water, thereby reducing the amount of water used but still maintaining a fairly high powered flow.

Regardless of the type of water saving shower head that you use, you will be doing your part for the environment and your bank balance. Choose a type that is most suited to you and your families showering preferences.

How much should you spend on a water saving shower head?

Shower heads range in prices from approximately R80 to about R800 depending on your personal preferences.
The main variances in price are as a result of the materials used, the features that are offered and the overall quality/durability of the shower head.
Features include:

    Adjustable power
    Maneuverable head
    Detachable head
    Comfort control (misty or power shower)

What are you waiting for?

As you can see, a low flow shower head can substantially benefit you and your environment. At Sustainable.co.za we stock a wide range of shower heads to suit you and your preferences.
If you have ANY queries regarding the purchase of an appropriate water saving shower head, please do not hesitate to contact us so that our experienced consultants can advise you in the best way possible.